A Beautiful Summer Night
A group of animals decide to avenge the death of one of their own one beautiful summer night. This animated short film was selected in the following festivals: -Anima, Belgium, 2022 -Official Selection, Animation First Festival, US, 2022 -Filmets, Spain, 2022
Original title: Une belle nuit d'été (A beautiful summer night) Directors: Sam Castelli, Aleksandar Savic, Yannis Brun, Barbara Derail, Arthur Dupuy, Enzo Leboucher Production: Ecole des Nouvelles Images Animation: Yannis Brun, Arthur Dupuy, Aleksandar Savic Scenario, Script: Yannis Brun Image: Barbara Derail , Sam Castelli Enzo Leboucher Special effects: Sam Castelli Editing: Yannis Brun Rendering: Enzo Leboucher Sound editor: Yannis Brun, Sam Castelli Soundtrack: Roman Perreton